Friday, October 23, 2009

Energy Efficient Heaters - How A Vornado Pays For Itself In One Season

Here's a few excerpts from our Winter Energy Savings page describing how energy efficient heaters can save you bucks.

Fact 1. Local Heat = Lower Heating Costs

“Be sure to turn the lights off when you leave the room!” We heard it from our parents, and we say it to our own children. It’s simple to understand that leaving the lights on in an unattended room wastes energy... but what about your heating? Many homes rely on a central heater that attempts to keep the whole house at one temperature. With a Vornado heater, you can heat only the rooms you are in to perfection and back off the heat for the rest of the home. Vornado’s powerful circulator propels heat throughout your space similar to how a central heater’s air duct delivers warmth to each room.

Fact 2. The Whole Room Difference

Heating the room you’re in can save you serious money- but any old heater won’t do it. Vornado’s Whole Room Heaters are engineered to heat entire rooms using effective air
circulation called “Vortex Action.” While all heaters create heat, ordinary heaters only heat the space immediately around them because they do not adequately move the heat throughout
the room. Vornado heaters feature powerful circulators that distribute the heat throughout the space. Upgrade from a “space” heater to a whole room heater and you’ll see what a difference Vornado Vortex Heating heating makes.

Fact 3. Smart Heat Control = Smart Energy Usage

Vornado heaters use “smart” control technology to regulate room temperature to precise levels. Heaters such as the VH2 and TVH500 use an on-board thermostat to tell the unit when to turn on and off based on user-selected temperature settings. The AVH2, DVTH, iControl and TVH600 go one step farther. Instead of cycling the system on and off, the system regulates the heat output and fan speed, keeping the space heated to a comfortable, even temperature. Smarter heat control equates to smarter use of energy and no other line of heaters offers the level of heating control that Vornado provides.

So How Much Can I Really Save?
Here- let me tell you... clue- it involves three digits.

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